Sunday, August 31, 2014

down to the bottom, and oh, what a bottom it is...

Decided not to edit any photos today, cause it is what it is I guess. I start school in two days which is pretty unfortunate I guess, besides the fact that I am taking some of the easiest, most relaxing classes available. Yoga, guitar 1, drawing and printmaking... Among a few others. Anyway, I worked all day and now I'm just in my comfy dress and bandana (bad hair day), which is super nice. I'm binge watching the Office too. End of summer always bums me out but it will be nice to be back in class actually, and then I wont have to work so much. 
This photo feels kind of statuesque. Tyra Banks would disapprove. Probably. I love Tyra Banks.

Well! At work today my awesome co-worker Pam made this super bitchin' Star Wars cake, and it's so damn cool I have to show you all. 

Monday, August 25, 2014

Kid Dynamo

Well today I decided to finally do an actual blog post!! It's been a while. I moved and lost my camera in the whole moving process so I haven't been bothered with taking 'good' pictures in a long while. I went to Forever 21 the other day and got this green skirt, this cool beanie, and some red thigh high socks for only $12! I love that store. Cheap, cute clothes. The best part about this skirt is the pockets.......Ohhh yeah. Skirts with pockets make my mouth water. Anyways, my boyfriend is up north for a week which is kind of a bummer but I just decided to cover three different shifts at work for people which I wouldn't usually do if he were here... But yay for money! I'm working 7 days straight this week, hahah. 
School starts really soon, and I still gotta read this super boring book for AP English.. What a shame that I waited all summer. Whoopsie-daisy. Well I gotta run to work, catch you on the flip side! ;D